Hire people born in those countries to handle most communication Read books about the different people of those countrie Take language courses to learn sortie common phrases of those language Hold training to gain better understanding of people from those countrie
Bel≤Pl Bel<Pl Bel≥Pl Bel>Pl
hold down hold up hold back hold out
know they will travel a lot get what they want quickly and safely know that everything will be just right always travel around the world
hold down hold up hold back hold out
know they will travel a lot get what they want quickly and safely know that everything will be just right always travel around the world
hold back hold on hold up hold off
other people think if they know a lot they will be able to get enough money and that will make them happy Other people think it true that enough knowledge will bring them enough money Other people hold the opinion that the more they know the happier they will become Other people hold the opinion that if they become knowledgeable enough they will feel happy
day and night, right through the week two or three times a week at any time of the day, but not at night right through the day, two or three times a week
holding hold to hold holds
at all times of the day and night at all times, right through the week two or three times a week day and night, right through the week
at all times of the day and night at all times, right through the week two or three times a week day and night, right through the week
all over Asia near the sea in Asia the biggest city in Asia right in the middle of Asia
all over Asia near the sea in Asia the biggest city in Asia right in the middle of Asia
hold down hold up hold back hold out
day and night, right through the week two or three times a week at any time of the day, but not at night right through the day, two or three times a week