It’s your opinion I don’t mind That’s your decision It’s all up to you
In spite of In favor of In terms of In need of
in the wild in the air in the distance in the long run
When ; submit ; which As ; subscribe for ; where If ; apply for ; / While ; subscribe to ; that
how come what’s up how’s that what for
At no time In no time At any time At one time
imagination plot story adaptation
被法国人称为“小拿破仑”的现任总统萨科奇,面对国内经济的持续低迷,他能否重新创造法兰西昔日的辉煌,也许人们还要刮目相看。 几个月来,报纸上不少语焉不详却耸人听闻的报道刺激了人们的想象,集体的无意识的猜测则让经济恐慌大行其道,但是究竟严重到何种程度却无人深究。 在地方剧种普遍衰弱,在传统戏曲的生存状态江河日下的背景下,东北二人转的红火无疑成为了引人注目的文化现象。 狗既聪明,通人性,又很勤勉,不管主人贫富总能不离不弃,所以深得人们喜欢。
accessible relative acceptable sensitive
Heard it Made it Got it Taken it
中国人民对战争带来的苦难有着刻骨铭心的记忆,对和平有着孜孜不倦的追求。 卓凡批评同桌写作文经常文不加点,错字百出。 九旬高龄的老教授在二中礼堂讲授国学,他旁征博引,侃侃而谈。 长河公园景色宜人,周围高楼鳞次栉比,你不会想到几年前这里还是一片荒地。
finding found to find find
was it wasn’t it did they didn’t they