What’s wrong with you How come I beg your pardon Can I help you
Sure,please do No,you do the same Oh,that’s all right OK,coming
Yes; no better than No; no worse than Yes; much worse than No; no better than
目前地理信息交换的技术问题已经基本成熟,一旦地理信息为广大公众所认可,那么地理信息产业将迅速崛起。 虚拟现实技术用有力的证据再次表明,以计算机为核心的信息技术的应用和发展,将使人类掌握更多认识世界、改造世界的有力工具。 把孩子逐出校门,实质上等于剥夺了他们受教育的权利,把他们变成社会的边缘人甚至可能一辈子进不了主流社会。 在本次足协杯赛中大爆冷门的建业队,凭借场上的整体配合和积极拼抢,终于和天津泰达队在最后关头使自己双双跻身这次杯赛的十六强。
common general regular normal
a, the the, a the , the a , a
Yes, he shouldn’t So he should So was he So he was
honestly formally simply necessarily
of; from of; in in; from in; in
the place where in the place in which where
Only knows Mary how to do it Only does Mary know how to do it Only Mary knows how to do it Mary knows only how to do it
for every time every time by the time some time
a tall man in his thirties stepped stepped a tall man in his thirties did a tall man in his thirties step did a tall man step in his thirties