was fixing was fixed fixing fixed
put it put out put up with it put in
picking up going up drawing up taking up
I couldn't wait I'm afraid not I don't think so. I believe not
valueless invaluable worthless Useful
A, a The, a The, the A, the
supposed supposing not supposed not supposing
before while though unless
Contributions. Celebrations Congratulations Conclusions
B.,A.B都处于静止状态,现将物块 移至 点后,A.B.仍保持静止,下列说法中正确的是( )
A.B.与水平面间的摩擦力减小 B.地面对B.的弹力增大 C.悬于墙上的绳所受拉力不变 A.B.静止时,图中α、β、θ三角始终相等
a sort of sort of of a sort all sorts of