克己复礼---不以仁政不能平天下 天行有常,制天命而用之---天人感应 格物致知—-致良知 人伦者,天理也—-穿衣吃饭即是天理
remaining to settle remaining to be settled remained to talk about to remain to discuss
促进了民族意识的觉醒 促进了中国近代科学的兴起 激发中国人民的斗争热情 为变法图存了提供理论依据
account for make for change for stand for
which what that which that what
《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》 《西风颂》 《等待戈多》 《人间喜剧》
to; by by; to for; to in; on
该规定不利于民族资本主义的发展 此奏折应是在甲午中日战争之后 民族资本主义发展过快导致清政府出台该政策 该规定顺应了帝国主义垄断中国工业的要求
fortunately eventually certainly surprisingly
therefore or otherwise then