土卫五的公转速度大 土星对土卫六的万有引力小 土卫六表面的重力加速度小 土卫五的公转周期大
I’m not in the least tired I’m too tired to move I’m not a little tired I’m a bit tired
重力势能的变化与零势力能面的选择有关 动能的变化与参照物的选择有关 同一个力在同一个过程中做功的数值与参照物的选择有关 作用力与反作用力作功的绝对值总是相等的
战时共产主义政策的实施 新经济政策的实施 “一五”计划的完成 “二五”计划的完成
before; where before; which since; when since; where
中国提出三个世界的划分理论 “__”严重干扰了经济建设 国民经济调整取得重大成果 与美苏交恶需打开外交新空间
隋炀帝时,政府开始设立进士科,科举制度形成 科举制一经形成,成为了历代选拔官员的主要途径,影响深远 科举制度在一定程度上摒弃门弟以成绩作为选拔标准,具有公平公正性 科举制把选拔人才和任命官员的权力集中到中央,加强了中央集权
which what that which that what
to; by by; to for; to in; on
would should have to might
建立了完整的工业体系 赢得了一战的胜利 完成了向社会主义过渡 巩固了工农联盟
as tiring a day as as a tiring day tiring as a day as day as a tiring as
nowhere near enough near enough nowhere enough near nowhere near nowhere enough
will be sleeping have slept have been sleeping will sleep