occupied in busy for absorbed to engaged to
value of the mean draft degree of list amount of roll difference in fore and aft drafts
Value=(10>4) Value=("ab"<>"aaa") Value=("周"<"刘") Value=(#2004/9/13#<=#2004/10/10#)
continue语句可以在选择语句中使用 continue语句可以在条件语句中使用 continue语句可以在循环语句中使用 不输出任何内容
value<0 value<=0 valtle>0 value>=0
Value(价值) Volume(大量) Velocity(高速) Variety(多样)
value[30] value[0] valuer[10] value[20]
Value=(10>4) Value=(“ab”[]“aaa”) Value=(“周”<“刘”) Value=(#2004/9/13#=#2004/10/10#)
value is decided by weight value is decided by number money is used and goods are not exchanged goods are exchanged an, d money is not used
occupied in busy for absorbed to engaged to
Value=(10>4) Value=("ab"[]"aaa") Value=("周"<"刘') Value=(#2004/9/13#=#2004/10/10#)
Value operator+(Value); Value operator-(Value,Value); Value operator*(int); Value operator/(Value);
for语句 while语句 continue语句 switch语句
Value operator+(Value v,int i); Value operator+(Value v=value,int i); Value operator+(Value vint i=0); Value operator+(Value v=value,int i=0);
for语句 while语句 continue语句 switch语句
Value:(10>4) Value=(“ab”[ ]“aaa”) Value=(“周”<“刘”) Value=(#2004/9/13#=#2004/10/10#)
value[30] value[0] value[10] value[20]
Value operator+(Value v,int ; Value operator+(Value v=value,int ; Value operator+(Value vint i=0); Value operator+(Value v=value,int i=0);
value[30] value[0] value[10] value[20]
value worthy worth worthwhile