Because it was easy down. Because it was very expensive. Because it was not advanced enough. Because it was not as big as the main computer.
She could sell a ticket. She could write out a ticket. She could answer the passengers’ questions. She could do nothing.
half an hours' half an hour's half an hour an hour and a half
a modern computer won’t be down. computers can take the place of humans sometimes a computer may bring suffering to people there will be great changes in computers
Because it was easy down. Because it was very expensive. Because it was not advanced enough. Because it was not as big as the main computer.
When the Computer Is Down The Most Frightening Words The Computer of the Airport Asking the Computer
half an hours’ half an hour’s half an hour an hour and a half
She could sell a ticket. She could write out a ticket. She could answer the passengers’ questions. She could do nothing.
a modern computer won’t be down computers can take the place of humans sometimes a computer may bring suffering to people there will be great changes in computers
is, fly are, fly is, flying are, flying
B.C.D.四个选项中找出所给单词的正确读音:1.participateA.[pa:'tisipeit] ['pa:tisipeit] [pa:ti'sipeit] [pa:tisi'peit]2.energeticA.[¸enə' dʒetik]B.[¸enədʒe'tik]C.['enə¸dʒetik]D.['enədʒe¸tik]3.curiosityA.[¸kjuəri'ɔsəti]B.[¸kjuəria'səti]C.[¸kjuəriɔsə'ti] D.[¸kjuə'riɔsəti]4.discountA.['daiskaunt ]B.['diskəunt ]C.['diskaunt ]D.['daiskəunt ]5.apologizeA.['əpalədʒaiz ]B.[ə'palədʒaiz ]C.[əpɔ'lədʒaiz ]D.[ə'pɔlə'dʒaiz ]
δ=1.5δS、TI=0.5TS、T=0.3TS δ=δS、TI=0.2TS、T=0.1TS δ=0.8δS、TI=0.3TS、T=0.1TS
塑料sù 簌簌 sù 虽然 suī 婆娑 suō 熏陶 táo怂恿sǒng yǒng 倜傥 tì tǎng 殄灭 zhēn 轻佻 tiāo 调皮 tiáo 妥贴tiē 请帖tiě 字贴tiè
When the Computer Is Down The Most Frightening Words The Computer of the Airport Asking the Computer
half an hours' half an hour's half an hour an hour and a half