would get; began were getting; would begin were about to get; began had got; had begun
is proved proves is proved to be is proving
①——副热带高气压带 ②——极地高气压带 ③——副极地低气压带 ④——赤道低气压带
either; or neither; nor both; and none of; and
on her giving to give her she be given that she was given
the higher the gold price raises much higher the gold price rises the higher the price of gold rises more higher the price of gold raises
to put of putting of; to putting of; of putting
attach; to refer; to apply; to attend; to
在印度,一种名叫“基伍”的中国手机相当“牛”,其明星代言的广告贴得俯拾皆是,其年销量也居各种名牌手机之首。 不管完成这项工作会得到什么样的奖励,我们都要适可而止,不为已甚,不然就会累坏身体,还会影响今后的工作。 进入2013年6月份以来,金融业闹起了“钱荒”,虽然6月份的“钱荒”年年有,但今年尤其严重。银行怎会缺钱,并且还缺得如此离谱?真是匪夷所思。 他工作十分积极,总是夜以继日,废寝忘食,但这段时间他病情加重,实在不宜过度劳累,而应在家休养生息。
so a subject hard as a subject as hard as as hard a subject as hard as a subject as
The; the 不填; the The; 不填 不填;不填
must have been can be may be might be
在今年高考志愿填报咨询阶段,北大明确拒绝了少数企图向北大索要巨额奖金,进行讨价还价的所谓“状元”,使人闻后无不拍手称快。 河南电视台的《汉字英雄》这类节目被陆续推出,热情而又认真地引领广大观众,特别是暑假里的中小学生,一起识文断字,实在是一件功德无量的事情。 少数地方官员干工作急功近利,谋发展简单粗放,不遵循市场经济规律,行政化、简单化地处理问题,大搞形象工程、面子工程,却视而不见百姓的生活困难,缺少公仆意识。 在微博等网络舆论大力监督下,在有关部门的周密调查下,“表哥”“房叔”等人光鲜外表下掩藏的腐败本质被暴露得具体而微。
had put; might be had put; might not have been had put; could be had not put; could not have been
不堪忍受 日趋笃厚 意兴阑珊 不堪忍受 日臻完善 意兴盎然 情何以堪 日臻完善 意兴阑珊 情何以堪 日趋笃厚 意兴盎然