How do you want it? How much? What for? When can you pay me back?
is to blame is to be blame are to blame are to be blamed
As long as Since now In spite of While
Thank you You’re welcome I would think so Never mind
didn’t he wastn’t it did he was it
/; / a; the the; / /; the
I; him I; he Me; him Me; himself
Sure, please do No, you do the same Oh, that’s all right Ok, coming
Every of them Both they Nobody of them Not all of them
one the one which the one which
primarily virtually reasonably impatiently
that it is what what it is that what is it that that is it what
as much more that much as good
everything it them yourself
这幅图片再现了身穿节日盛装的姑娘们围绕在熊熊篝火旁一起歌舞狂欢,汗水浸湿了她们的衣衫。 诚信教育已成为我国公民道德建设的重要内容,因为不仅诚信关系到国家的整体形象,而且体现了公民的基本道德素质。 只有当劳动与兴趣、爱好乃至理想有机地结合在一起的时候,潜藏在每个人身上的想象力和创造力,才能够最大限度地发挥出来。 以“和谐之旅”命名的北京奥运火炬全球传递活动,激发了我国各族人民的爱国热情,也吸引了世界各国人民的高度关注。