nothing enjoyable enjoyable nothing something enjoyable enjoyable something
legal irresistible enjoyable profitable
such enjoyable films that children all over the world love so enjoyable films that children all over the world love such enjoyable films that children all over the world love them so enjoyable films that children all over the world love them
legal irresistible enjoyable profitable
enjoyable irresistible legal profitable
educational meaningless exciting enjoyable
cha, cha,ci,cha cha,chai,cha,cha cha, chai, ci, cha cha, chai, ci, cha
interesting reasonable understandable enjoyable
printf(one_cha; prinft("%c",one_cha; scanf(one_cha; scanf("%c",& one_cha;
cheap ; enjoyable cheaper ; more enjoyable cheaper ; enjoyable cheap ; more enjoyable
enjoyable irresistible legal profitable
a. legal irresistible enjoyable profitable
nothing enjoyable something enjoyable enjoyable nothing enjoyable something
ps=(char*)malloc(8); ps=(char *)malloc(sizeof(cha* 8); ps=(char*)calloc(8,sizeof(cha) ps=8*(char*)malloc(sizeof(cha)
printf(one_cha; prinff("%c",one_cha; scanf(one_cha; scanf("%c",&one_cha;