ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); (A和B) ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");
At times Some time At the same time all the times
How are you How do you do! Fine, thank you. Everything is fin
fin.fail( ); fin.bad( ); fin.good( ); fin.eof( );
to closing closing closing to close
lets,doing makes,doing makes,do lets,to do
ifstream fin = ifstream, open( "file. dat" ) ; ifstream * fin = new ifstream( "file. dat" ) ; ifstream fin; fin. open ( "file. dat" ) ; ifstream * fin = new ifstream() ; fin -> open( "file. dat" ) ;
Not at all. Oh, it all depends. It is all depending. Yes, you are welcome
do, free to do, feel do, feel to do, to feel
ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); 和 ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");
fin.fail() ; fin.bad() ; fin,good() ; fin.eof();
fin.fail( ); fin.bad( ); fin.good( ); fin.eof( );
ifstream fin=ifstreaopen("fildat"); ifstream*fin=new ifstream("fildat"): ifstream fin;fiopen("fildat"); ifstream*fin=new ifstream( );fin->open("fildat");
fin. fail( ) ; fin. bad( ) ; fin. good( ) ; fin. eof( ) ;
fin.fail( ); fin.bad( ); fin.good( ); fin.eof( );
ifstream fin;fin.open("C:////test.txt"); ifstream fin("C:////test.txt"); A)和B) ifstream fin;fin("C:////test.txt");