An external camera checks that the car is going properly. The car will automatically keep to its lane. The seat belt will tighten when the driver is found drowsy. The technology of the alcohol odor sensor should be improved
It monitors the driver’s eyes to see if he needs a rest. It judges if the driver wants to pull over. It judges if the driver wants to take a rest. It issues an alarm when the driver speaks.
The same detection system mentioned in the previous paragraph. A breathalyzer attached to a car’s seat belt. A smart car seat belt. An intelligent engin
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An external camera checks that the car is going properly. The car will automatically keep to its lane. The seat belt will tighten when the driver is found drowsy. The technology of the alcohol odor sensor should be improved.
the overall effectiveness of the detection technology has improved. Nissan is making a timetable to market the detection system. it is impossible to improve the overall effectiveness of the detection system. Nissan aims to improve the detection technology to reduce the fatality rate.
It has a sensor system that could issue a warning if the driver is drank. It has sensors that detect traces of alcohol inside the car. It has sensors locked up in the ignition system. It has a breathalyzer-like detection system.
It monitors the driver’s eyes to see if he needs a rest. It judges if the driver wants to pull over. It judges if the driver wants to take a rest. It issues an alarm when the driver speaks.
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The same detection system mentioned in the previous paragraph. A breathalyzer attached to a car’s seat belt. A smart car seat belt. An intelligent engine.
It has a sensor system that could issue a warning if the driver is drunk. It has sensors that detect traces of alcohol inside the car. It has sensors locked up in the ignition system. It has a breathalyzer-like detection system.
By watch By watching Through looking With seeing
new beautiful sports JapanesE. Japanese beautiful new sports Japanese sports beautiful new beautiful new Japanese sports