arithmetic logic unit and controller memory and controller arithmetic logic unit and memory controller and storage
Kilobyte Bit Gigabyte Megabyte
Muti control unit Micro Control Unit Main Computational Unit Memory Control Unit
periodic survey statutory survey additional survey annual survey
If you may If you do If not If so
fill the unit with saltwater fill the unit with de-scaling compound completely drain the unit tightly seal the unit to exclude air
NCDU(New Combiner Distribution Unit) NCEU(New Combiner Extension Unit) NCEN(New Combiner Extension Net Unit) NMCDU(New“M” Type Combiner Distribution Unit)
secure and tag the electrical circuit place a crow bar in the flywheel of the unit inform all persons in the area not to start the unit make a log book entry
If so If not If you see If you may
the Central Processing Unit Control Unit and Arithmetic/logic Unit a peripheral device the heart of the computer system
asthmatics logic unit and controller arithmetic logic unit and memory memory and controller controller and storage
If you may If you do If not If so
The control equipment The power unit The transmission system The follow-up mechanism
unit of the project plan unit of the scope management plan WBS component below the control account template used for the project
cetral procesing unit central processing unit central procssing unit cetral procssing unit
first survey and certificate exchange survey first survey and operation survey first survey and periodic survey classification survey and certificate exchange survey