offering expecting advising saying
deal in; offered not deal in; offering deal with; offering not deal with; offered
offering expecting advising saying
Thanks a lot What a pity I'm sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
Thanks a lot. What a pity. I’m sorry to hear that Thanks all the same
It’s a pity Thanks a lot I’m sorry to hear that. Thanks anyway.
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
No problem. I was more than glad to do it. I appreciate it, but I'm already finished watering them. Thanks for offering your help, but my brother's going to do it. Certainly watering plants is my favorite pastimE.
asking supplying providing offering
Thanks a lot What a pity I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
Thanks a lot What a pity I'm sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
reply to replying replying to reply
Thanks a lot What a pity
I’m sorry to hear that Thanks anyway
recommend me as recommending me as recommend me for recommending me for
recommend me as recommending me as recommend me for recommending me for
you to offer it you offer your offering this you are offering
you to offer it you offer your offering this you are offering