what to do it how to do how to do it what do
the Greens left did the Greens leave the Greens leaves will the Greens leave
what to where to what I can where can I
tell that tell what were told that were told what
what does he like what he does like what he likes what he like
telling me what you bought it tell me where you bought it telling me what you buy it tell me where you buy it
nobody anybody somebody everybody
what should we do we should do what what we should do should we do what
what your name is what your name was what is your name what was your name
what happening what happened when happening what was happening
what to .how to what I can how can I
what is it that what it is that how is it that how it is that
what to where to what I can where canI.
what to where can I where to what I can
what does this sentence mean what means this sentence what this sentence means what is the meaning of the sentences
what are you doing what you are doing what you will be doing what will you be doing
He is sad He's all right He's tall He is high