Besides that Except In addition Apart from
to estimate the length of cable that was to be made to make some sound experiments in the oceans to measure the depths of two oceans to collect samples of sea plants animals
to make some sound experiments in the oceans to collect samples of sea plants and animals to estimate the length of cable that was to be made to measure the depths of two oceans
to make some sound experiments in the oceans to collect samples of sea plants and animals to estimate the length of cable that was to be made to measure the depths of two oceans
waves orbits voyages flights
Various uses of ladle-shaped compasses. Improvement on the ladle-shaped compass. Compasses introduced to the West from China. The sea voyages of Europe's "Age of Discovery".
curtains blocks voyages entirely
for people to travel more during hard times for younger people to delay working by traveling first for travelers to spend less for younger travelers to be unrealistic as they travel
fastness speeding swiftness despatch"
in contrast to in compliance with the essence of representing"
to make some sounding experiments in the oceans to collect samples of sea plants and animals to estimate the length of cable that was needed to measure the depths of the two oceans
waves orbits voyages flights
travel;trip travelers;travel travelers;trip trips;travel
at the expense of at the risk of in the way of at the mercy of
at the expense of at the risk of in the way of at the mercy of
to make some sound experiments in the oceans to collect samples of sea plants animals to estimate the length of cable that was to be made to measure the depths of two oceans