avoid exceed assume regulate
lessen identify overcome regulate
accept control observe regulate
fight abolish remove control
regulate regulation regular regularly
regulate the fuel supply maintain a constant fuel viscosity at the fuel valves maintain efficient cooling alter the fuel density
control observe regulate accept
spread regulate take on count on
regular regularly regulate regulation
limit regulate oppose support
fight abolish remove control
support limit regulate oppose
regulate the fluid flow in either direction restrict movement of hydraulic fluid in one direction, but allow free movement inthe other direction allow free movement of hydraulic fluid in both directions allow a restricted fluid flow in one direction only
lessen identify overcome regulate
regulates regulate regulated regulating
suit adapt regulate coordinate
maintain a preset pressure on the line closely regulate the amount of flow relieve excessive pressure on the line allow flow in one direction only
act as a pilot from the solenoid valve regulate the amount of refrigerant flow to the coil regulate the water flow turn the compressor off and on
fight abolish remove control
used in either the fully dosed or fully opened position installed with the stem down used for steam service only used to throttle or regulate the flow of liquid