impressive competitive aggressive alternative
With Besides As for Because of
in favor of in case of in view of in terms of
how come what’s up how’s that what for
must be should have been should be might have been
①代表典型的阴生植物,②代表典型的阳生植物 a1和a2表示植物在__中细胞呼吸放出CO2的量 b1和b2是维持植物正常生长所需的最低光照强度 ①和②代表的植物在c点时光合作用的速率相等
吞噬细胞在特异性免疫中的功能为吞噬、处理、呈递抗原决定簇给T细胞 当抗原刺激机体产生细胞免疫反应时,淋巴因子的作用是使靶细胞裂解 抗原是外来生物,所以抗体不可能对人体自身成分起免疫反应 摘除胸腺会破坏细胞免疫,对体液免疫没有影响
being is if though 江苏省南京市白下区2011届高三年级二模模拟考试 ________ there, the southwest desert contains a remarkable variety of plants. A. Rarely as it rains B. Sometimes it rains C. It rarely rains D. Although rarely rains
over above against beyond
fatter than stronger no weaker than before more fat than strong not so much fat as strong
unless since so that until