Project acceptance Scope verification Scope definition WBS Creation
initiation (authorizatio, charter initiation (authorizatio, scope statement scope definition, scope statement scope planning, charter
initiation (authorization), charter initiation (authorization), scope statement scope definition, scope statement scope planning, charter
Project acceptance Scope verification Scope definition WBS Creation
Project acceptance Scope verification Scope definition WBS Creation
Collect Requirements Validate Scope Control Scope Create WBS
Project acceptance Scope verification Scope definition WBS Creation
Provides money to cover uncertainties in the estimate within the defined scope and schedule Money to cover changes in scope Money to cover unforeseen natural disasters A and C
Scope Planning Scope Verification Scope Change Control Scope Definition
Project acceptance Scope verification Scope definition WBS Creation
Refuse to work on the project because management is not following standard project management practice Since time is of essence, you should start the project with the inputs from project charte Meet the management and mention the problems you will face without a scope statemen Escalate the issue to the project sponsor and issue a risk mem
Project acceptance Scope verification Scope definition WBS Creation
标准SCOPE用于分配A、B、C三类的IP 标准SCOPE用于分配A、B、C、D、E五类的IP 多播SCOPE用于分配D类IP 超级SCOPE用于扩充分配IP地址的范围
anchor may be dropped from the hawse pipe anchor should be lowered to within 2 fathoms of the bottom before being dropped anchor should be lowered to the bottom then the ship backed and the remainder of the cableveered scope should be less than 3 times the depth of the water"
WBS Creation Scope definition Project acceptance Scope verification
Scope Planning Scope Verification Scope Change Control Scope Definition