I can give I could give I give I am giving
while the moment suddenly once
Yes, you can give a skirt to me I'd like a skirt No, I can do it myself I can do what I want
I can I will I should I am going to
give will be given will give am given
give it away give it in give it out give it up
to give for you giving of you to give for you to give
I shall give it to charities I will buy snacks I won't put it in the bank I'd give it to medical research
give out give up give away give off
give will give am given gave
go went will go are going
generous frank straight friendly
give will be given will give am given
will have, am would have, was had, were have, is
I will give it to you I did give it to you I had given it to you I do give it to you
give will be given will give am given
give it up; I will give it up; I won’t give up it; I will give up it; I won’t
You may ask for help I will give you a hand I will do you a favour I’d come to help
You may ask for help I’ll give you a hand I’ll do you a favor I’d come to help