Having a talk with the student One talk with the student Giving a talk with the student If you have a talk with the student
any other student the other student the one of any other student those of any other student
boy student; girl ones girls students; boys ones boys student; girl one girl students; boy ones
A. that that if whether how
Class First the Class One Class One First Class
Having a talk with the student One talk with the student Given a talk with the student If you have a talk with the student
Class First the Class One Class One First Class
Having a talk with the student One talk with the student Given a talk with the student If you have a talk with the student
all the students any students any other student any one student
the more popular students the most popular students the most popular student the more popular student
all the students any students any other student any one student
Having a talk with the student One talk with the student Given a talk with the student If you have a talk with
any other student the other student the one of any other student those of any other student
A.that that if whether how
Some, student One, student Some, students One, students
best students the top students the best student top student