the bridge officer on watch the chief engineer the duty engineer the duty motorman
for;without for;with to;without to;with
engineer on watch Chief Engineer Chief Mate Master
The chief engineer The second engineer The third engineer The fourth engineer
chief engineer the engineer captain any member of the engine department
made and noted as required by the duty engineer reported to chief engineer immediately after being made by duty engineer never made before getting permission from chief engineer made as required but not logged
the master the 3rd mate the chief Engineer the 1st Engineer"
the chief engineer the second engineer the third engineer the fourth engineer
The chief engineer The second engineer The third engineer The fourth engineer
will set shall set set sets
Master, or person in charge Chief Engineer, or engineer in charge if no chief engineer is required Senior mechanic,or mechanic on duty if no senior mechanic designated Senior electrician, or electrician onduty if no senior electrician designated"
chief Engineer the firemen the 1st Engineer the 3rd mate"
engineer for engineer Engineering to engineering
captain chief engineer chief engineer and captain consult together chief engineer and superintend consult together
continue to be responsible for machinery space operations despite the presence ofthe C/E hand over the responsibility actively be responsible for the watching together with the chief engineer assistant the chief engineer to control the machinery
the second engineer had got into the engine room the second engineer got into the engine room has the second engineer got into the engine room did the second engineer get into the engine room
Immediately stop the engineer and do damage contro Ask the engineer to explain the discrepancy and what recommendation she can offe Communication an openness to the problem and lead a discussion to resolve the issue Rephrase the problem to ensure that everyone understands the various major points, and solicit input from everyon
The chief engineer The second engineer The third engineer The fourth engineer
deck officer engineer officer deck officer or engineer officer the master or the chief engineer officer"
Chief engineer Second engineer Master Chief engineer