along; to on; up with; back in; against
blow up, blew away blow down, blew up blow up, blew up blow down, blew away
the; the a; the a; a the; a
were blown away will be blown away blew away blow away
adapted acknowledged accompanied abandoned
appeared happened accompanied mixed
appeared happened accompanied mixed
when; before then; but while; because but; before
slow down at night be from south to east bring heavy rain on Sunday be from a different direction on the coast than in the city
light ,variable winds with little or no humidity strong,gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year steady winds that reverse direction semiannually strong,cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme lowpressure system"
winds NE 20 to 30 knots winds SW 15 knots backing to SE 15 to 20 winds NW 20 to 30 knots with occasional showers mod to strong S winds diminishing to light winds"