Do not beat the kid any more Learn to take care of the family Leave me and my children Be a good father
Husband-Wife Relationship Women’s Rights Laura’s Marriage Family Violence
若四个检查项目均不低于Bu级,则可按占多数的等级确定 若仅一个检查项目低于Bu级,则定为Bu级 若不止一个检查项目低于Bu级,则定为Cu级 若三个检查项目低于Bu级,则定为Du级
I am Laura That is Laura This is Laura She is Laura
she was afraid of being laughed at the priest asked her not to do so her husband was a nice guy she was not well-educated
beng fu beng bu ben fu peng bu
correct; most wrong; much more easily; even careless; bu
Laura has two children. Laura never got any job. Laurs’s husband got punished. Laura got little help from the society.
Laura has two children. Laura never got any job. Laura’s husband got punished. Laura got little help from the society.