As far as As well as As long as As much as
expectation. soil climate harvest
by far more by far the most the most by far the more by far
by far more by far the most the most by far the more by far
the rather the bus will go as far as the bus goes only so far as the bus is going far as the bus is going
By far So far As far as Far from
in June 10th on October 11th on May on School Day
goods soil climate harvest
start( ),yield( ),sleep( ),join( )和wait( ) start( ),yield( ),sleep( ),join( ),wait( )和stop( ) yield( ),sleep( ),join( )和wait( ) yield( ),sleep( ),join( ),wait( )和stop( )
ways accesses approaches methods
goods soil climate harvest
road users should make more sacrifice drivers should be ready to yield to each other drivers should have more communication among themselves drivers will suffer great loss if they pay no respect to others
goods soil climate harvest
By far As far as So far as So far
goods soil climate harvest
goods soil climate harvest
will choose have chosen have been chosen will be chosen