spending to spend having spent to have spent
spending to spend having spent to have spent
is spent spent to spend to be spent
spending being spent to spend spent
devoted; wouldn't have taken spent; wouldn't have taken hadn't devoted; hadn't taken hadn't spent; couldn't take
devoted; wouldn’t have achieved spent; wouldn’t have achieved devoted; hadn’t achieved hadn’t spent; couldn’t achieve
devoted; wouldn't have taken spent; wouldn't have taken had devoted; hadn't taken had spent; couldn't take
spent; wouldn't have taken devoted; wouldn't have taken hadn't devoted; hadn't taken hadn't spent; couldn't
devoted; wouldn’t have taken spent; wouldn’t have taken had devoted; hadn’t taken had spent; couldn’t take
spending to spend having spent spent
is spent spent to spend to be spent
spent to spend to be spent is spent
devoted; wouldn't have taken spent; wouldn't have taken had devoted; hadn't taken had spent; couldn't take
devoted; wouldn't have taken spent; wouldn't have taken had devoted; hadn't taken had spent; couldn't take
devoted; wouldn't have taken spent; wouldn't have taken hadn't devoted; hadn't taken hadn't spent; couldn't take
wouldn’t take wouldn’t have taken hadn’t taken couldn’t take
devoted; wouldn’t have taken spent; wouldn’t have taken hadn’t devoted; hadn’t taken hadn’t spent; couldn’t take
devoted; wouldn’t have taken spent; wouldn’t have taken hadn’t devoted; hadn’t taken hadn’t spent; couldn’t take
spending to have spent being spent to spend