condemned scolded criticized blamed
pretended determined threatened proceeded
what; that that; that which; who that; who
those; someone that; everyone it; no one this; anyone
condemned scolded criticized blamed
was destroying destroyed was destroyed has destroyed
are caught was caught were caught is caught
adopts will be adopted be adopted is adopted
attacked declared fought offered
terrorists will be sentenced to death if the hill is carried out. Macdonald opposed to changes in criminal trial process. there are "minor players" offered some immunity from prosecution in return for information. some basic rights should be left to the terrorists.
no terrorists can be caught if the legislation is unclear. secret trials would destroy both public faith and terrorists. nobody wants to offer "minor players" some immunity. we should not try terrorists in secret.
terrorist attacks are launched frequently. many people's names are similar to known terrorists. the screening system is not effective enough. terrorists are not accurately identified after 9·11.
brave desperate harmful considerate
are caught was caught were caught is caught
confirm evaluate consult negotiate