open continue dependent reliable
open continue dependent reliable
角色jué 熨贴yùn 寓情于景yù 鹜蚌相争yù 卖儿鬻女yù断瓦残垣yuán啁啾zhōu压轴zhòu 贮藏zhù 莺啼鸟啭zhuàn撰稿zhuàn口角jué 角斗jué 角逐jué 倔强juéjiàng 崛起jué
镌(juān)刻 书卷(juàn)气 卷(juàn)轴 圈(juàn)养 哈(hǎ)达 哈(hā)气 悄(qiāo)悄 悄(qiǎo)然 企(qǐ)求 祈(qǐ)求 襁(qiǎng)褓 邈(miǎo)远 庇(bì)护 癖(pǐ)好 遒劲(jìng) 绸绢(juàn)
by public in public in a public in the public
苑囿yuànyòu 头晕yūn 允许yǔn 晕船yùn 酝酿yūnniàng谆谆hēng弄巧成拙zhuō灼热zhuó 卓越zhuó 啄木鸟zhuó 猖獗jué一蹶不振jué 诡谲jué 矍铄jué 攫取jué 着陆zhuó
Preserving the best public enjoyment. Providing the public with free access to historic buildings. Offering better services to visitors home and abroad. Protecting the unspoiled countryside and historic buildings.
children learn best by themselves. K-12 system is suitable for children. public education is notorious. they themselves can offer their kids best education.
Current Situation in Education Education System in Public School Balance in Education Importance of Teaching Science and Technology
牵强附会 qiǎng 襁褓 q iǎng 讥诮 qiào 怯懦 qiè 干涸 gù 崛起 jué 猖獗 jué 一蹶不振 jué 一哄而散 hōng 矍铄 jué 攫取 jué 押解 jiè 和泥 huò 一触即发 jí 脊梁 jǐ 金钏chuàn
which is that are that is which are
B.C.D.四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 He used to go to work by car.The underline word“used”is pronounced________. A./ ju: zd/ / ju: st/ / ju: zt / / ju: sd /
龃龉 jǔ yǔ 镌刻 juān 隽永 juàn 角色 jué 口角 jué 角斗 jiǒo 角逐 jué 倔强 jué jiàng 崛起 jué 猖獗 jué 诡谲 jué 龟袭 jūn 俊杰 jùn 竣工 jùn 隽秀 jùn
open continue dependent reliable
Balance in Education Educational System in Public School Current Situation in Education Importance of Teaching Science and Technology
隽永 juàn 口角 jué 角斗 jué 角逐 jué 倔强 jué jiàng诡谲 jué 矍铄 jué 龟裂 guī 坎坷 kě 可汗 kè hán 恪守 kè 倥偬 kǒng zǒng