left to the decision of individual state government. the sole responsibility of the federal government. banned on both the federal and the local levels. overruled by the Supreme Court as soon as possible.
the federal government and the local government may have different rulings concerning the legal status of gay marriage. the federal government has a long history of interfering in the decisions concerning marriage issues on local levels. the federal government has never made a clear expression about their decision concerning gay marriage. if local government allows gay marriage then that marriage will also be recognized by the federal government.
They feel much stronger than before. They don’t feel as lonely as before. They suffer more than before. They feel more satisfied than being single.
Divorce leads to the breakup of the family. More than half of the married couples get divorced. American people marry more than four times. More and more people are getting divorced.
the Supreme Court deems it a big burden. this way of handling domestic laws guarantees a better stability. local families resent the decisions made by the Supreme Court. the moral diversity is stronger on the local level of government.
There will be more relationships outside marriage. Many people try to get married again after divorce. Marriage has long been partly an economical need. It is a fact that most people choose to get marrie
It is important to discover what makes a marriage successful. Marriage has long been partly an economic need. It is a fact that most people choose to get married. Many people went abroad after divorce.
people may have different opinions about abortion. controversial opinions on certain social issues are allowed. some states are more obnoxious than others. people can move from state to state if they like.
Divorce leads to the breakup of the family. Half of the married couples get divorced. American people marry more than four times. More and more people are getting divorce
Divorce leads to the breakup of the family. Half of the married couples get divorced. American people marry more than four times. More and more people are getting divorce
Divorce leads to the breakup of the family. More than half of the married couples get divorced. American people marry more than four times. More and more people are getting divorce
smart women usually seek grandmothers’ advice on marriage. women are more eager to get a bachelor’s degree than get married. women who play dumb in marriage are thought to be smart. smart women are in unfavorable situation to get marrie
They are much healthier. They feel no longer single. They are more satisfied. They suffer a lot less.
Marriage rates varied greatly among women in the 1950s. College graduates feel no need to hide their strengths any more. Education is still considered an obstacle to women’s marriage. The more education women receive, the easier they can get marrie
higher education guarantees stable marriage. smart women still finish last in marriage. college education seems a plus for marital happiness. better educated, more happiness in marriag
There will be more relationships outside marriage. Many people try to get married again after divorce. Marriage has long been partly an economical need. It is a fact that most people choose to get marrie
They feel much stronger than before. They don’t feel as lonely as before. They suffer more than before. They feel more satisfied than being singl
it is illegal in all over America to have an abortion. the Supreme Court had not interfered in abortion law. abortion used to be a legal practice in most states. abortion is still legal in most states in America today.
It is important to discover what makes a marriage successful. Marriage has long been partly an economic need. It is a fact that most people choose to get married. Many people went abroad after divorc
a state in the west. a state in the upper mid-west. a state in the east. a state in the nort