cancelled approved solved added
Approved Accused Being accusing Being approved
did the workers rush rushed the workers rush did the workers the workers rushed
approved rejected submitted considered
appreciate appointed approved appropriate
approves has been approved will have been approved will be approved
agreed approved recognized accepted
approves will be approved is to approve has been approved
approved;referring;as approving;referred;for approving;referring;to approved;referred;as
will be approved approves is to approve has been approved
agreed consented approved accepted
manifested approved shown speculated
approve it have it approved to have it approved have approved i
approve be approved be approved of approve of
rejected submitted considered approved
will our program be approved our program will be approved has our program been approved our program has been approved '
it is the original approved plan it includes approved scope changes it is useful in detecting project variances it is useful in preparing the WBS
Never had; approved of Hardly had; approved of Badly had ; approved of Hardly had; approved to
approves has been approved is to approve will be approved