中年女性,出现腹部包块。 T1WI和T2WI肿瘤接近等信号,多数能与正常肝分辨 肿块内"星状瘢痕征",T1WI为低信号,T2WI为高信号的放射状分隔 增强扫描动脉期肿块表现明显均匀增强 增强扫描静脉期增强密度逐渐下降,最终呈较低密度 中央的瘢痕组织和向周围放射状分布的分隔纤维无强化而呈低密度区
the professor began the lecture the lecture began soon we were attracted by the lecture soon the bell announced the beginning of the lecture
does not deal in anything but books deals mainly in books deals in anything but books does not deal in anything but sheep
distinguished to distinguish distinguishing to be distinguished
distinguished distinguishing to distinguish to be distinguished
does with treats deals with Deals
to focus to be focused focusing focused
巨块型肝癌内常有脂肪变性、出血、坏死等改变,于TWI及TWI可出现不均匀性混杂信号 在TWI上呈稍低信号,边界常不清楚;在TWI上信号稍高于正常肝组织 原发性肝癌在TWI和TWI上均为低信号 增强后肝癌实质部分增强,边界更清楚 MRI门静脉造影可清楚显示有无门静脉癌栓形成
the professor began the lecture the lecture began in no time we were attracted by the lecture immediately the bell announced the beginning of the lecture
distinguishing distinguished to distinguish to be distinguished
Finishing his lecture To finish the lecture Having finished his lecture Finished the lecture
中年女性,出现腹部包块 T1WI和T2WI肿瘤接近等信号,多数能与正常肝分辨 肿块内“星状瘢痕征”,T1WI为低信号,T2WI为高信号的放射状分隔 增强扫描动脉期肿块表现明显均匀增强 增强扫描静脉期增强密度逐渐下降,最终呈较低密度 中央的瘢痕组织和向周围放射状分布的分隔纤维无强化而呈低密度区
deals with deals about makes up talk about
psychiatric studies of different types of anger reactions the reactions of abnormal person to annoying situations emotional reactions shown by normal and abnormal persons the level of anger reactions shown by well-balanced persons
distinguished distinguishing to distinguish to be distinguished