are ended be ended were ended must be ended
leave left will leave have left
a time the time time times
pR 22 > pR 12 > pR 134a pR 134a > pR 22 > pR 12 pR 22 > pR 134a > pR 12 pR 134a > pR 22 > pR 12
come; should be shown has come; was shown came; was shown has come; be shown
VSWR=(1+(Pr/P开平方)/(1-(Pr/P开平方) VSWR=(1-(Pr/P开平方)/(1+(Pr/P开平方) VSWR=((Pr/P开平方+1)/(1+(Pr/P开平方) VSWR=(1+(Pr/P开平方)/((Pr/P开平方-1)
at one time must be for a high level
had come came did come has come
takes have taken took to take
on the contrary in the meantime from time to time all at once
has come; tell has come; told came; should come had come; told
PR=15~PR=25 PR=25~PR=35 PR=35~PR=45 PR=14~PR=55
stop stopped have stopped had stopped
proud curious eager content
will shall are going to went