the ; the a ;the a; a the; a
getting through getting over getting off getting away
I can remember can I remember I remember rememberI.
getting through taking over giving off putting down
the , the a ,the a, a the, a
I’m feeling green I’m feeling blue I’m feeling grey I’m feeling white
the; a the; the a; a a; /
as far as as soon as unless until
never I shall forget so doI. never shall I forget neither shall I forget it
in a hurry in a rush in a minute in a moment
I can remember can I remember I remember rememberI.
So what? Take it easy. Why bother? I know the feeling.
did I expect had I expected I expected expected I
That’s too baD. Nothing serious. I know the feeling. What a shame!
as far as as long as as well as as soon as