Seldom pay their taxes. Always hurry to finish their taxes by the deadline. Employ advisors m avoid tax payments. Enjoy the same tax rate as people with ordinary income.
they earn more than the lawyers working for the government. they are more experienced and talented. the tax system only suits the poor. they want successful precedents to improve their career.
improve tax administration. lower the income of private lawyers. ask people to pay tax through moral methods. change the current tax rate.
adopt adjust adapt accept
U.S. government should make special tax rules for the rich. More taxes should be hunted for from the rich. Many countries need new tax policies to handle financial problems. Obama’s new plan will save the country’s economy.
The U.S. government revenue agencies always bully taxpayers. The salary gap between senior government lawyers and private lawyers is smaller. Private lawyers are unwilling to help the government make countermeasures against themselves. Reforms in tax administration can help reduce waste and tax rate, and collect more revenue.
Seldom pay their taxes. Always hurry to finish their taxes by the deadline. Employ advisors m avoid tax payments. Enjoy the same tax rate as people with ordinary income.
the list of taxes seems endless they would rather spend their time and energy elsewhere they find their knowledge about taxes is so limited that they are unable to write tax report all by themselves paying experts to prepare their tax report and asking for tax advice have become very popular
The U.S. government revenue agencies always bully taxpayers. The salary gap between senior government lawyers and private lawyers is smaller. Private lawyers are unwilling to help the government make countermeasures against themselves. Reforms in tax administration can help reduce waste and tax rate, and collect more revenue.
they earn more than the lawyers working for the government they are more experienced and talented the tax system only suits the poor they want successful precedents to improve their career
patience survival accommodation concern
improve tax administration. lower the income of private lawyers. ask people to pay tax through moral methods. change the current tax rate.
equity. gap. quantity. accord.