on the whole in general above all on the other hand
on the whole generally speaking above all on one hand
first of all as a whole on the other hand for one thing
first of all on the whole on the other hand generally speaking
commonly comparatively effectively separately
few a few little a little
above all on the one hand on the whole after all
on the whole as a whole in whole wholly
would I make have I made I did make shall I make
above all on the whole by the way at best
a little little a few few
a little little a few few
on the whole generally speaking above all on one hand
all in all in other words on the other hand first of all
on the whole as a whole in whole wholly
as a whole on the whole on the other hand generally speaking
above all more or less on the whole on the other hand
on a whole as a whole general speaking as the whole
all in all in other words on the other hand first of all