and then he began when he began to begin than he began
has been; begun is; began is; has begun was; began
has been on began han began has begun
that he began did he begin then he began so that he began
has been on began had began has begun
it began did it begin began it has begun
began had began had been on has been on
began in began began to began with
has began has been on has begun began
had he began did he begin he began he had began
did I begin that I began I began had I began
exactly extremely generally gradually
Is , begin has been , began has, been had been ,began
then began the game then did the game begin then the game began began then the game
and then he began when he began to begin than he began
had the game begun began the game the game had begun did the game begin
did the baby boom begin that the baby boom began when the baby boom began then the baby boom began