instantaneous instantaneously simultaneous simultaneously
starting and direction changing trial cancelling accelerating function trial lowest stable speed trial continuous running trial
starting running running-in direction changing
starting torsion vibration direction changing running
cold condition stillness condition certain air pressure the surveyors supervision
fair full coexisting public
a brief trial with turning gear a brief trial on power a long trial by steering gear one minutes trial with windlass
Improper fuel rack positioning Lengthy opening of the exhaust valve Excessively early injection timing Extended light load operation
after the mooring trial has passed before the mooring trial under the surveyors supervision after repair
generator sets running trial shafting intensity trial the trail for pumps that working forM.E M.E safety devices trial
simultaneous serious partial transitional
trying try trial the trial
By simultaneous ballasting andcargo discharge By reducing the IG pressure By minimizing the amount ofdeparture ballast By closing all the openings