busiest farthest newest nearest
gave out tired out wore out gave away
far, far away, away far, away away, for
faraway; faraway faraway; 30 miles away far away; faraway far away; 30 miles far
busiest farthest newest nearest
75 miles per hour 65 miles per hour 55 miles per hour 10 miles per hour
An ordinary car can run a lot more than 10,000 millions with 650 gallons of gas. An ordinary car can run no more than 15 miles with one gallon of gas. An ordinary car with ten gallons of gas can run no more than 150 miles. An ordinary car can run 10,000 miles each year with 70 billion gallons of fuel.
one hundred miles three hundred miles one hundred and fifty miles six hundred miles
put away. send away sent for sent
will like taking will like to take feel like taking feel like to take