Come on Sure,I'd love to Sorry,I can't No,I don't
Sure, I'd love to Sorry, I can't Of course I'm afraid I can
I’m afraid I couldn’t agree more Have fun I can’t follow you
That sounds good I’m sorry, I can’t Sure, I’d love to No problem.
Yes, I’d love to No, thank you Sorry, I can’t Yes, thank you
Yes,sure sorry,I can't No,you can't Not
Not much. I’m afraid I can’t. Sounds great. It sounds boring.
where can we go where we can go how we can go how can we go
Sure, I'd love to Sorry, I can't Of course I'm afraid I can
Yes.sure Sorry, I can’t No,you can’t OK, please
Sure, I ’d love to Yes, I can Sorry, I have to go to a doctor No, I can’t
Yes, you could Yes, I do Yes, I’d love to No, I can’ t