3 times bigger than as big as 3 times the normal size 3 times 3 times the normal size
square inch square meter square foot squar eyard
locates at is located at lies on is located
my foot; the store a foot; the store foot; store feet; stores
事物有时是运动的,有时是静止的 意识对改造客观世界具有指导作用 人的意识能够正确地反映客观世界 意识对客观世界的反映都是正确的
p++->n p->n++ (*.n++ ++p->n
++(p->n) (*p).n p->n++ p->n
Ⅰ、aVL V7~V9 V3R~V5R V1~V3 Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF
ST段弓背向上抬高伴病理性Q波 ST段弓背向上抬高不伴病理性Q波 ST段弓背向下抬高伴病理性Q波 ST段弓背向下抬高不伴病理性Q波 ST段呈水平型下移 ST段呈上斜型下移 ST-T呈鱼钩样改变 ST段水平延长
p++->n p->n++ (*.n++ ++p->n
p++->n p->n++ (*.n++ ++P>n
p+ + ->n p->n + + (* . n+ + + +p - >n
returned had returned have been returned have returned
set out on set off for set out for set foot on
p+ + ->n p->n + + (* P). n+ + + +p - >n