man broke into the house and a fire after that. A. What’s wrong; broke off What’s wrong; broke down What’s up; broke out What’s up; broke up
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
what; put up that; put on which; put up that; put off
what I was doing when she rang me up what was I doing when she rang me up when she rang me up what I was doing when did she ring me up what I was doing
What I was doing when she rang me up What was I doing when she rang me up When she rang me up what was I doing When did she ring me up what I was doing
What's up What's for What are you up to So what
what the matter is what the matter was what was the matter what is the matter
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
up; what was the matter up; what the matter was along; what’s the matter down; what the matter was
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
put up with keep up with come up with go through with
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
grow up is growing up grows up will grow up
, What’s up What’s for What are you up to So what