chances difficulties questions problems
the climate was much milder in the coastal areas of Greece the Greeks were very careful to replant their forests after they cut them the Greeks were not concerned about conserving their energy sources olives were not an important resource to the Greeks
Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.
difficulties chances questions problems
using wood from the olive groves in ancient Greece was a sensible solution to the fuel problem using passive solar energy was more expensive than using wood in ancient Greece the ancient Greeks planted new forests to replace the ones they cut down for firewood the concept of using passive solar energy has been around since at least the fourth century B C
Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.
damaged stolen used up discovered
Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.
alternative solar conventional recycled
using wood from the olive groves in ancient Greece was a sensible solution to the fuel problem using passive solar energy was more expensive than using wood in ancient Greece the ancient Greeks planted new forests to replace the ones they cut down for firewood the concept of using passive solar energy has been around since at least the fourth century B C
the climate was much milder in the coastal areas of Greece the Greeks were very careful to replant their forests after they cut them the Greeks were not concerned about conserving their energy sources olives were not an important resource to the Greeks
damaged stolen used up discovered
the climate was much milder in the coastal areas of Greece the Greeks were very careful to replant their forests after they cut them the Greeks were not concerned about conserving their energy sources olives were not an important resource to the Greeks
chances realities references tensions
using wood from the olive groves in ancient Greece was a sensible solution to the fuel problem using passive solar energy was more expensive than using wood in ancient Greece the ancient Greeks planted new forests to replace the ones they cut down for firewood the concept of using passive solar energy has been around since at least the fourth century BC
the climate was much milder in the coastal areas of Greece the Greeks were very careful to replant their forests after they cut them the Greeks were not concerned about conserving their energy sources olives were not an important resource to the Greeks
chances opportunities questions problems
damaged stolen used up discovered
chances realities references tensions
Sentence 1. Sentence 2. Sentence 3. Sentence 4.