the most organized more organized so organized as as organized as
activity job process application
how Von Steuben became the general of the American infantry how the revolutionary forces came to be commanded by Washington how Washington set about asking von Steuben to train his soldiers how poorly organized the Americans were compared to the British army
multipleobjectives differentobjectives asingleobjective independentobjectives
the best organized better organized so organized as as organized as
/; the who; / /; / who; the
Andrew Peters went on leave from the army so Andrew Peters went on leave from the army when the army gave Andrew Peters leave the army gave Andrew Peters leave
size quality scale complexity
the most organized more organized so organized as organized as
convenient existing practical real
has joined the army has been in the army has become a soldier joined the army
relatively / only morethan
revolutionary forces the colonial army the U.S. Army infantry the Continental Army
Andrew Peters went on leave from the army so Andrew Peters went on leave from the army when the army gave Andrew Peters leave the army gave Andrew Peters leave
the best organized better organized so organized as as organized as