Up into the blue sky did the bird fly Up into the blue sky the bird flew Up into the blue sky flew the bird Flew up into the blue sky the bird
Flew it away Away flew it Away it flew Flew away it
in a sparrow flew flew in a sparrow did a sparrow fly in in flew a sparrow
Flew it away Away flew it Away it flew Flew away it
Flew it away Away flew it Anay it flew Flew away it
flew…arrived had flown…had arrived flew…had arrived had flown…arrived
It up flew Up flew it Up it flew Up did it fly
Flew it away Away flew it Away it flew Flew away it
flies to flew to flew have flown
Flew it away Away flew it Away it flew Flew away it
Up into the blue sky did the bird fly Up into the blue sky flew the bird Up into the blue sky the bird flew Flew up into the blue sky the bird
Up into the blue sky did the bird fly Up into the blue sky the bird flew Up into the blue sky flew the bird Flew up into the blue sky the bird
Up into the blue sky flew the bird Up into the blue sky did the bird fly Up into the blue sky the bird flew Flew up into the blue sky the bird
did the bird fly flew the bird the bird flew had the bird flown
Flew it away Away flew it Flew away it Away it flew
Flew it away Away flew it Flew away it Away it flew
Up into the blue sky did the bird fly Up into the blue sky the bird flew Up into the blue sky flew the bird Flew up into the blue sky the bird
Flew it away Away flew it Away it flew Flew away it
Flew it away Away flew it Away it flew Flew away it