the wall a kind of ball game a fruit basket the basketball team
tightly slightly narrowly roughly
Score=1 Score=2 Score=3 Score=4
Score=1 Score=2 Score=3 Score=4
tightly slightly narrowly roughly
nearly slightly narrowly lightly
exam place victory problem
less than two hundred years more than a hundred years less than a century nearly a century
tightly narrowly slightly roughly
the wall a kind of ball game a fruit basket the basketball team
nearly slightly narrowly lightly
Update grade set score=score+5 where score in 55..60 Update grade set score=score+5 where score >=55 AND score <=60 Update grade set score=score+5 where score between 55 or 60 Update grade set score=score+5 where score <=55 and score >=60
result choice decision score
less than two hundred years more than a hundred years less than a century nearly a century