set, aside let , alone put, away leave, behind
introduced wanted hired recommended
摄 shè 统摄 慑 shè 威慑 娠 shēn 妊娠 哂 shěn 哂笑 蜃 shèn 海市蜃楼 遂 suì 半身不遂 舐 shì 舐犊情深 噬 shì 吞噬 说 shuì 游说 枢 shū 中枢 漱 shù 漱口 墅 shù 别墅
what it was it was what what it was that what was that
绱鞋shàng嬗变shàn 缫丝sāo 讪笑shàn 苫布shàn 擅长shàn 赦免shè 摄政shè 威慑shè 参商shēn 弑君shì 鹰隼sǔn 吸吮shǔn悚然sǒng 骨髓suí 艄公shāo
introduced wanted hired Recommended
cp shell.shshell2.sh mv shell.shshell2.sh ls shell.sh>shell2.sh ll shell.sh>shell2.sh
red, anyone blue, no one orange, none white, nothing.
芟除shān 禅让 shàn 讪笑 shàn 赡养shàn 折本 shé 慑服 shè 教室shì 狩猎shòu 倏忽 shū 束缚 fù 刷白 shuà 游说 shuì 吸吮 shǔn体已 tī 孝悌 dì
to see if the book he wanted was in its usual place to read the book without buying it to talk with the shop owner to try to get the textbook