be collected must be collected was collected can be collected
almost nearly hardly seldom
be collected must be collected is collected can be collected
enough sleepy enough sleep sleep enough sleepy enough
be collected must be collected is collected can be collected
careful enough enough careful carefully enough enough carefully
enough careful careful careful carefully enough enough carefully
temporary permanent steady important
important improve enough encourage
to leave anything out to leave out anything to take out anything bring anything out
One should be strong-minded enough to ignore a phone call. A telephone is a necessity or a nuisance. Important message will reach you sooner or later. One had better answer the phone call.
carefully enough; something important enough carefully; important something enough carefully; something important carefully enough; important something
be collected must be collected was collected can be collected
careful enough carefully enough enough careful enough carefully
important matters allows forgives
sick ; careful enough ill , enough carefully sick , enough careful ill , enough carefully
careful enough enough careful carefully enough enough carefully