Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the tabl
Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the table.
Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the table.
Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the table.
shortcomings expression contribution awareness
Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the table.
Staying Stayed To stay Stay
Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the tabl
Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the table.
Tips are not usually included in the total check. A 15 percent tip in large cities indicates satisfactory service. People tip waiters and waitresses. People always put tips on the tabl