regardless of in spite of instead of because of
actually exactly hardly eventually
instead instead for instead to instead of
for instead to instead instead instead of
Newton discovered calculus years before him all the scientists supported Newton instead of him Newton was vocally talented he put the dispute to the Royal Society
regardless of in spite of instead of because of
regardless of in spite of instead of because of
It; that What; which What; that It; how
it seems to me that It seems to me that he That seems he That seems to him that
affair business matter problem
strange as it seems as it seems strange if it seems strange how it seems strange
There seems that It seems to be There seems to be It seems that
regardless of in spite of instead of because of
There seems that It seems to be There seems to be It seems that
instead; instead instead of; instead of instead; instead of instead of; instead
There seems to have There seems to be He seems to be It seems to be
regardless of in spite of because of instead of
It seems to me that It seems to me that he
That seems he That seems to him that
is in the shape of a human being. is in the form of an animal instead of a human being. seems more like a human being than a robot in appearance. seems more like a machine than a human being in action.
seems rain seems to rain seems rainy seems raining